


 The Victorian Square Trotters Association invites you to consider the advantages of the trotter. “We believe that every owner and trainer should have at least one trotter in their team.”

At least two races in every 8 programmed in Victoria is a trot. We have an outstanding selection of trotting bred sires and broodmares in Victoria. As well many trainers discard pacing failures without realising that some of our greatest trotters have been pacing bred, with trotting in their pedigree.

Juvenile trotters are catered for in the “Vicbred” scheme with the “Redwood”, “Tatlow” and “Breeders Crown” classics as Two-Year-Olds and the Derby, Oaks, Holmfield, Need for Speed and Breeders Crown as Three-Year-Olds before graduating to the major feature events.

In the season 2014/15, trotters made up 20% of all starters. So far 79 first win bonuses have been paid to 4yo trotters, compared to 37 in the 2009/10 season and with recent announcement, this will be worth an extra $7000 in future years. The average earnings for a trotter is $8100 compared to pacers $6550 and with the spread of stake money, more trotters are achieving a higher return for their owners..

It is said the education of a trotter is time consuming, however anything that is not time consuming is of little value.

There are many experienced trotting people throughout Victoria who would be willing to offer advice and may be contacted through the Association.


“To achieve something greater acquire a Trotter”

Victorian Square Trotters Association