VSTA Mission Statement
The Victorian Square Trotters Association is a non-profit organisation formed for the purpose:
To protect the interests and welfare of Owners, Breeders, Studmasters and Trainers of trotters in Victoria and Australia.
To promote and represent the interests of the trotting gait in Victoria and throughout Australia.
Objectives of the VSTA
To be a democratically elected voice on behalf of the members and conduct the affairs of the Association in a fair and unbiased manner.
To operate the affairs of the Victorian Square Trotters Association Inc. in a prudent and financially sound manner.
To represent the interests of its members with relevant bodies such as:
Harness Racing Victoria
Australian Square Trotting Association
Australian Harness Racing Council
Other State Trotting Associations
To advise and lobby relevant bodies on the needs and on issues affecting its members participation in the harness racing industry.
To encourage, support and promote new participants in the industry.
To cooperate with all Associations in harness racing and advise them on the problems that may affect the trotter.
To encourage and attract Owners into the sport of harness racing.
To ensure effective consultation with Harness Racing Victoria and Kindred Bodies.
To encourage and assist interested persons in their endeavours with the trotter.
Executive Committee
President: Anne-Maree Conroy (HRAC Representative)
Vice President:
Tony Xiriha
Secretary: Ian White
Treasurer: Katrina Knight
Mick Barby
John Campbell
Tony Xiriha
Janine Pitt
Katrina Fitzpatrick
Joe Attard
Louise Toulmin
Debbie Youngson
Life Members:
Les Chapman Katrina Knight
Matt Donaldson
Ron Emerson
Ralph Ford
Chris Howe
Jack Johnson
Dick Lee
Trevor Ralph
Colin Redwood
John Slack
Noel Taylor
Steve Warren
Bruce Young